Rejoice in Claiming Your Creative Potential TODAY!

Dearest Soul Family,
If inspired, set this declaration in motion by stating it aloud and then allow your life to reflect this upgraded truth!
Today I rejoice in embracing my creative potential! Today I claim my capacity to redirect my focus and liberate myself from the inside-out!
I am committed to NO LONGER participating in the perpetuation of limiting behaviors cycles or patterns that inhibit my expansion.
I am committed to acknowledging, embracing and embodying NEW INternally empowered ways and options of perceiving and experiencing life that reveal the the most optimal relationships, opportunities, and circumstances available to me in each moment!
I AM allowing myself to feel the enthusiasm of my passions and joys coming alive fully in my waking experiences, reflecting my newfound trust, faith and confidence in the gentle, graceful and harmonious unfolding of my divine destiny!
AND so it is!
All my love to you ALL!
– Cari